
Foreign Language/Childhood & Early Childhood Education (B.S.)


The program outlined below leads to NYS certification to teach grades Birth-6 in the public schools. Students entering the program will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Foreign Language/Childhood & Early Childhood Education. Please see the Childhood & Early Childhood Education (B.S.)  program page for a complete overview of the Academic Standards required for this academic program. Students may also pursue the middle childhood certification in Spanish (optional).

Foreign Language Core

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Education Support Courses

Complete all of the following:

Item #
3 - 4
Sub-Total Credits

Academic Standards

  • Cumulative GPA: to enroll in and remain as a student in the Childhood & Early Childhood Education program, students must have and maintain an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.000 or higher.
  • Major GPA: students must achieve and maintain a major GPA of 3.000 or higher in all major course requirements prior to entry into the methods courses (EDU 300 level courses).
  • To be eligible for student teaching, a student must have achieved a 3.000 or higher cumulative average.
  • Students must earn a grade of C or higher (2.000) in all courses required in the major program including the support and concentration courses.
  • All students in the education programs are required to subscribe to a designated portfolio system.

Middle Childhood Certification, Grades 7-9 (Optional)

Students desiring the Middle Childhood Certification in Spanish must complete the Childhood & Early Childhood Education/Foreign Language requirements listed above and the following requirements:

Degree Completion Notes

  • Total credits required for a bachelor's degree (minimum): 120 credits
  • Cumulative GPA required for graduation (minimum): 3.000
  • Major GPA required for graduation (minimum): 3.000
  • 1/2 of major requirements must be completed at Sage (minimum)
  • Completion of all required General Education coursework
Total Credits