
Special Education and Childhood & Early Childhood Education (B.S.)


The bachelor of science in Special Education and Childhood & Early Childhood Education with a Liberal Arts concentration (English, Foreign Language/Spanish, History, or Life Sciences) prepares Russell Sage College students for NYS teacher certification. You’ll take a variety of courses that prepare you for a successful and rewarding career in teaching. Courses include fieldwork and practicum experiences in school settings.

Students will have the opportunity for extensive formalized experience in school settings. Requirements for admission include a minimum GPA of 3.000. With careful planning of the undergraduate program, students may accelerate their graduate study by beginning graduate coursework in the senior year. [Childhood & Early Childhood and Special Education, 71-74 credits + Liberal Arts & Sciences concentration 30-36 credits]

Support Courses

  • Complete all of the following:
Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Liberal Arts & Sciences Concentration

Students in the B.S. Special Education and Childhood & Early Childhood Education program must also complete a liberal arts concentration (30-36 credits) in one of the following areas: English, Foreign Language (Spanish), History, or Life Sciences.

English, 31 credits

• ENG 190 Introduction to English Studies, 4 credits
• ENG 309 Major Writers, 4 credits
• ENG 405 Senior Seminar/Project, 4 credits
• ENG Survey, 3 credits (ENG 201, ENG 202, ENG 206, ENG 208, or ENG 211)
• ENG Period, 3 credits (ENG 303, ENG 304, ENG 305, ENG 308, ENG 313, ENG 319, ENG 323, ENG 338, or ENG 341)
• ENG Child or Teen, 3 credits (ENG 165 or ENG 222)
• ENG Writing, 3 credits  (ENG 231, ENG 233, ENG 246, or HUM 314)
• ENG Period or Survey, 3 credits
• PHL 275 Critical Issues in Contemporary Culture, 4 credits

Foreign Language, 30 credits

• SPA 102 Cont Intro to Spanish, 3 credits
• SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I, 3 credits
• SPA 202 Int. Spanish II or SPA 211 Adv. Int. Spanish II, 3 credits
• SPA 200 Level Elective course, 3 credits
• SPA 200 Level Elective course, 3 credits
• SPA 408 Seminar, 3 credits
• Foreign Lang Elective course, 3 credits
• Foreign Lang Elective course, 3 credits
• Foreign Lang Elective course, 3 credits

History, 36 credits

• HST 105 US History I, 3 credits
• HST 106 US History II, 3 credits
• HST 155 Big History: Big Bang to AI, 3 credits
• HST 209 The World Since 1900, 3 credits
• HST 250 Methods, Media and the Public , 3 credits
• HST Elective (200 or 300 lev), 3 credits
• HST Elective (200 or 300 lev), 3 credits
• HST Elective (200 or 300 lev), 3 credits
• HST Elective (200 or 300 lev), 3 credits
• HST Elective (200 or 300 lev), 3 credits
• POL Political Science Elective, 3 credits
• ECO Economics Elective, 3 credits

Life Sciences, 31 credits

• BIO 101/BIO 101L General Biology I, 4 credits
• BIO 102/BIO 102L General Biology II, 4 credits
• BIO 110 Environmental Science, 3 credits
• BIO 207 Genetics, 3 credits
• BIO 359 Research Methods, 3 credits
• CHM 103/CHM 103L Intro to General Chem, 4 credits
• SCI 104 Physical and Earth Sciences, 3 credits
• SCI 120  Nutrition Science, 3 credits
• PHY 101/PHY 101L General Physics I, 4 credits

Sub-Total Credits

Academic Standards

  • Cumulative GPA: to enroll in and remain in a Childhood & Early Childhood Education and Special Education program, students must have and maintain an overall Cumulative grade point average of 3.000 or higher.
  • Major GPA: students must achieve and maintain a major GPA of 3.000 or higher in all major course requirements prior to entry into the methods courses (EDU/SEE 300 level courses).
  • To be eligible for student teaching, a student must have achieved a 3.000 or higher cumulative average.
  • Students must earn course grade ofs “C” or higher (2.000) in all courses required in the major program (including support and concentration courses).
  • All students in education are required to subscribe to a designated portfolio system.

Additional Information

  • U.S. citizenship or declaration of intent to become a U.S. citizen is required for teacher certification in New York State.
  • Successful passage of the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (LAST, ATS-W) is required of all applicants seeking certification.
  • Applicants for New York state certification will have to be fingerprinted and undergo a criminal history review. The cost of this process will be the applicant’s responsibility. The Education Office will provide information on how to meet this requirement.
  • One student teaching experience must be at the 1-3 grade level and one at the 4-6 grade level. Students are personally responsible for transportation arrangements in connection with student teaching assignments.
  • All education courses required in Childhood Education, including the non-credit workshops, must be completed before beginning student teaching.
  • Data on placement of graduates:

Degree Completion Notes

  • Total credits required for a bachelor's degree (minimum): 120 credits
  • Cumulative GPA required for graduation (minimum): 3.000
  • Major GPA required for graduation (minimum): 3.000
  • 1/2 of major requirements must be completed at Sage (minimum)
  • Completion of all required General Education coursework
Total Credits