
Physical Education (B.S.)


The Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education at Russell Sage College prepares students for NYS teacher certification in K-12 Physical Education. This teacher licensure program is fully accredited by Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Sage also offers 4+1 accelerated option for students interested in the MS in Health Education. [96 credits]

Support Courses

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Required Workshops

  • Rep & Ident Child Abuse workshop : 0 credit
  • Safe Schools Violence Prevention workshop : 0 credit
  • DASA/School Bullying workshop : 0 credit

Student Teaching Notes

Before enrolling in PED 407 Physical Education Student Teaching K-12, students must meet the following requirements:

  • A grade of C- or higher (1.700) in all PED Core courses including SCI 306 and SCI 310 with the exception of PED 303 and PED 304. Students must have a grade of B- or higher (2.700) in PED 303 and PED 304.
  • Achieve and maintain the healthy zones in aerobic capacity (pacer test or mile run), muscular strength and endurance (curl-up), flexibility (sit & reach), and upper body strength and endurance (push-up & modified push-up) as measured by Fitnessgram. Candidates must score at the Acceptable level for four areas listed prior to exiting from the program. Fitness measures will be required in PED 225, SCI 310, PED 401, and if applicable, PED 407.
    • Accommodations will be made for teacher candidates with documented physical disabilities.
  • Demonstrate competence in selected game categories as measured by a grade B- or higher in PED 303 and 304.
    • Accommodations will be made for teacher candidates with documented physical disabilities.
  • Complete an application for student teaching (PED 407) and submit to the School of Education department office.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.000 or higher.

Degree Completion Notes

  • Total credits required for a bachelor's degree (minimum): 120 credits
  • Cumulative GPA required for graduation (minimum): 3.000
  • Major GPA required for graduation (minimum): 2.750
  • 1/2 of major requirements must be completed at Sage (minimum)
  • Completion of all required General Education coursework

Suggested Program of Study

Year 1 - Fall: 15 credits

PED 110 Intro to PED, Rec, & Sports Prof
PSY 101 Intro to Psychology
RSC 101 Thriving at Sage
WRT 101 Writing in Community
General Education Course

Year 1 - Spring: 15 credits

PED 225 Concepts of Fitness & Wellness
PSY 202 (or PSY 208) Human Development
WRT 201 Researching in Community
Language Ecourse (ASL 101 recommended)
General Education Course

Year 2 - Fall: 14 credits

BIO 201/BIO 201L A&P I with Lab
EDU 201 Education and Society
PED 308 Movement & Gymnastics (.50)
PED 330 Cooperative Games (.50)
PED 350 Sport Psychology
RSC 201 Intercultural Perspectives

Year 2 - Spring: 15 credits

BIO 202/BIO 202L A&P II with Lab
EDU 206 Educational Psychology
PED 215 Fitness Activities (.50)
PED 217 Current Trends (.50)
PED 240 Sport Medicine
PED 305 Teaching Rhythms & Dance (1)
PED 409 Coaching Theory

Year 3 - Fall: 17 credits

PED 303 Tactics/Skills & Invasion/Target Games
PED 310 Measurement and Eval in PED
PED 320 Instr Strategies for Students w/ Dev Dis
PED 355 Motor Learning
SCI 310/SCI 310L Exercise Phys with Lab

Year 3 - Spring: 17 credits

PED 304 Tactics/Skills: Net/Wall & Field/Scoring
PED 311 Instr Strategies Elementary PED
PED 322 Instr Strategies for Students w/ Ortho Sens Dis
SCI 306/SCI 306L Kinesiology with Lab
General Education Course

Year 4 - Fall: 15 credits

HED 541 Nutrition and Physical Fitness
PED 312 Instr Strategies Secondary PED
PED 420 Org and Admin of PED Programs
PED 430/PED 448 Diversity Service Learning
RSC 301 Innovating to Impact
Safe Schools Violence Prevention Workshop
Reporting and Identifying Child Abuse Workshop

Year 4 - Spring: 12 credits

PED 407 Student Teaching K-12

Total Credits