The BS degree in Nutrition Science at Russell Sage College fulfills the undergraduate requirements for The Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) accreditation. Studies include theoretical and practical coursework embedded in a broad background in the liberal arts and sciences. Community experiences are considered an important component of learning and are encouraged in junior and senior year. [81 credits]
Nutrition Science Requirements
- Offered in Fall: NTR 201, NTR 313, NTR 401, NTR 402, NTR 404, NTR 422
- Offered in Spring: NTR 211, NTR 314, NTR 325, NTR 403, NTR 407, NTR 417
Required Supporting Coursework
- Students may complete CHM 103 or CHM 111.
- CHM 303 may be substituted for CHM 220.
Degree Completion Notes
- Total credits required for a bachelor's degree (minimum): 120 credits
- 1/2 of major requirements must be completed at Sage
- Completion of General Education Requirements
- Completion of 60 liberal arts and sciences credits (minimum)
- Cumulative GPA required for graduation (minimum): 2.000
- Minimum major GPA required for graduation (minimum): 2.200
Suggested Program of Study
Year 1 - Fall (16 credits)
CHM 103/CHM 103L Intro to Gen Chem
PSY 101 Intro to Psych
RSC 101 Thriving at Sage
WRT 101 Writing in the Community
General/open Elective Course
Year 1 - Spring (16 credits)
HUM 201 Food, Culture and Nutrition
PSY 207 Statistics
WRT 201 Researching in the Community
General Education Course
General/open Elective Course
Year 2 - Fall (15 credits)
BIO 201/BIO 201L A&P I
CHM 201/CHM 201L Org Chem I
NTR 201 Foundations of Nutrition Sci
RSC 201 Intercultural Perspectives
Year 2 - Spring (14 credits)
BIO 202/BIO 202L A& P II
CHM 220 Biochemistry I
NTR 211/NTR 211L Intro to Food Science
General Education Course
Year 3 - Fall (14 credits)
NTR 313 Food Service Mgt
NTR 401 Nutrition Metabolism I
RSC 301 Innovating to Impact
SCI 310/SCI 310L Exercise Physiology
Year 3 - Spring (16 credits)
NTR 314 Quantity Food Production
NTR 325 Community Nutrition
NTR 403 Nutrition Metabolism II
SOC 350 Research for the Professions
General/open Elective Course
Year 4 - Fall (15 credits)
BIO 208/BIO 208L Microbiology
NTR 402 Adv Food Science
NTR 404 Medical Nutrition Therapy I
NTR 422 Current Issues in Nutrition
Year 4 - Spring (16 credits)
NTR 407 Nutrition Counseling Across the Lifespan
NTR 417 Medical Nutrition Therapy II
General/open Elective Course
General/open Elective Course
General/open Elective Course