
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)

Air Force

Undergraduate full-time students may enroll in the Air Force ROTC Program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. This program qualifies students for commissions as officers in the U...

GPA Requirements in Major (Academic Program)

In addition to meeting cumulative GPA requirements, all students must achieve a minimum major GPA of 2.200 in order to graduate. Note that certain academic programs have higher academic standards in...

Russell Sage College Faculty

Christopher Ames, President; Ph.D, Stanford University, B.A., University of Texas at Austin
Laura D'Agostino, Chief of Staff and Executive Assistant...

HSC 204: Introduction to Health Professions

This is a survey course introducing students to a wide variety of professions within the health sciences field. Guest speakers will present information regarding their role in the health care system, educational and professional licensure...

CHM 103: Introduction to General Chemistry

Intended for students majoring in nursing, nutrition, or other health sciences, this course focuses on chemical calculations, states of matter, atomic and molecular structure. It does this from the perspective of applying real world/pragmatic...

PHY 102: General Physics II

A continuation of PHY 101, including topics in electricity and magnetism, sound, and light. Emphasis is on applications in the life sciences particularly of interest to biology, nursing, and physical therapy majors. A 1-credit laboratory (taught...

Honor Societies

The 176th chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society was installed at Sage in 1975. Students in any major may be elected to the society in the spring term of the junior or senior year. To be...

LAW 301: Health Law

This course covers the basics of managed care, what it is and why it is supposed to reduce health care costs; bioethics issues as they relate to the developing law concerning the right to die, reproductive medicine and cloning; patient...

Immunization Requirements

New York State Public Health Law requires that individuals born after December 31, 1956, provide evidence of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella. Compliance forms are provided with...