
Biology (B.A.)


The BA program in Biology at Russell Sage College provides a broad overview of modern biological findings and investigative techniques, along with necessary scientific background in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. This program provides strong preparation for employment and further study in biology and in professional fields including medicine, occupational therapy, physical therapy, veterinary science, and education. To achieve these ends, the program features instruction in many settings, including classrooms, internship placements, field settings, seminars, and laboratories. To emphasize independent research, every student completes an independent research project. Additionally, most students take advantage of internship opportunities in Capital District hospitals, research laboratories, and governmental agencies. [54-56 credits]

In addition to completing the BA in Biology degree students may also complete the BA in Biology degree with tracks in OT or PT (if accepted):

Biology BA to Occupational Therapy MS (3+2)
Biology BA to Occupational Therapy MS (4+2)

Biology BA to Physical Therapy DPT (3+3)
Biology BA to Physical Therapy DPT (4+3)

Core Requirements

  • Complete all of the following:
Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Degree Completion Notes

  • Total credits required for a bachelor's degree (minimum): 120 credits
  • 1/2 of major requirements must be completed at Sage
  • Completion of General Education Program Requirements
  • Cumulative GPA required for graduation (minimum): 2.000
  • Minimum major GPA required for graduation (minimum): 2.200

Suggested Program of Study

The following is a general course plan for the Biology major. Other course sequences are possible. Consult your faculty advisor or the Biology Program Director for assistance. Students may shift elective and/or general education courses around to pursue other courses of personal interest or compensate for scheduling conflicts.

Year 1 - Fall (15 credits)
BIO 101/BIO 101L Gen Bio I
BIO 150 Writing in Biology
CHM 111/CHM 111L/CHM 111R Gen Chem I
RSC 101 Thriving at Sage
WRT 101 Writing in Community

Year 1 - Spring (17 credits)
BIO 102/BIO 102L Gen Bio Ii
CHM 112/CHM 112L/CHM 112R Gen Chem I
WRT 201 Researching in Community
General Education course (Soc Sci)
General Elective course

Year 2 - Fall (16 credits)
BIO 208/BIO 208L Microbiology
RSC 201 Intercultural Perspectives
General Education course (Wellness)
General Elective course
General Elective course

Year 2 - Spring (16 credits)
BIO 207 Fundamentals of Genetics
MAT 220 Applied Statistics
General Education (Humanities)
General Education (Dist Elective)
General Elective course

Year 3 - Fall (16 credits)
BIO 326 Principles of Ecology
CHM or PHY Elective
RSC 301 Innovating to Impact
General Education course (Arts)
General Elective course

Year 3 - Spring (16 credits
BIO 208 Microbiology
BIO 300 or 400 Level course
BIO 359 Explor in Research Methods
General Elective course
General Elective course

Year 4 - Fall (16 credits)
BIO 401 Indep Project or BIO 427 Internship
CHM or PHY Elective
General Elective course
General Elective course
General Elective course

Year 4 - Spring (13-16 credits)
BIO 401 Independent Project (con't)
BIO 415 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 450 Seminar in Biology
General Elective course
General Elective course

Total Credits