In this class, we will examine Harry Potter as we encounter Rowlings 7-novel narrative from the standpoint of developmental changes and transformations. As Harry leaves his closet under the stairs and goes off to the ancient Hogwarts returning to the closet at Privet Drive at the end of each term, aspects of his identity emerge. We will follow these trajectories of change becoming an adolescent, learning magic, finding out that he is deeply loved, and hated, and feared, and discovering his unique powers. Although Rowling brings us a world of magic, the wizard world is deeply human; it is not impervious to the life course, to death, nor to the forces of good and evil. Harrys fate is to be marked and changed by his encounters with evil. Yet he is rescued by the powers of love and friendship. We will explore relations between Harrys and his friends paths toward becoming adults and our own.
Advising Note
# Take ENG-101 ENG-220 PSY-101; # Take PSY-202 PSY-203 or PSY-204
ENG 101, ENG 220, PSY 101, , a developmental psychology course