Russell Sage College Faculty

Matthew Shaftel, President; PhD, MPhil, BA, Yale University
Laura D'Agostino, Chief of Staff and Executive Assistant to the President; BA, SUNY-Geneseo
Theresa Hartshorn Hand, Provost; OTD, Creighton University, MS, Sage Graduate School, BS, University of New Hampshire
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Jennifer Aiossa, Assistant Professor; DPT University of St. Augustine, BS, University of Vermont
Daniel S. Alemu, Associate Professor; PhD, Illinois State University, MS, Eastern Illinois University, BA, Addis Ababa University
Catherine Allain, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Education, EdD, MS, BS, Russell Sage College
Mica Allen, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Occupational Therapy (fall 2024)
Jennifer Anderson, Assistant Professor/Electronic Resources Librarian
Teresa Armon, Assistant Professor; MS, Russell Sage College, BA, State University of New York at Albany
Robin Arnall, Assistant Professor; PhD, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, MS, University of Phoenix, BS, Missouri Southern State University
David Baecker, Professor of Theater; MFA, Florida State University, BA, Washington University in St. Louis
Karen Balter, Associate Professor of Health Sciences; MA, Western Michigan University, BSE, State University of New York at Cortland
Marisa Beeble, Associate Professor of Community Psychology; PhD, Michigan State University, BA, Russell Sage College
Leslie Bennett, Associate Professor; OTD, MS, Creighton University, MS, BS, Russell Sage College
Stephanie Bennett-Knapp, Associate Professor; PhD, MPH, MA, BA, University at Albany
Becky J. Bernhardt, Associate Professor; OTD Creighton University, MS, Russell Sage College, BS, University of Kansas
Kimberly J. Brayton, Assistant Professor of Forensic Mental Health; PhD. Palo Alto University, JD Golden Gate School of Law
James Brennan, Associate Professor; PhD, University of Massachusetts, MA, The Ohio State University, BS, Springfield College
Kelly Brock, Assistant Professor of Physical Education; PhD Concordia University Chicago, MSE, Canisius College, BS, Russell Sage College
Sarah Brockway, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy; EdD, MS, Russell Sage College, BA, State University of New York at Geneseo
Haidy Brown, Associate Professor of Management; PhD, MPA, BA, University at Albany
Eileen Brownell, Associate Professor; PhD, Northcentral University, MS, State University of New York at Albany, BS, State University of New York at Farmingdale
Ann Burkhardt, Associate Professor of the Practice of Occupational Therapy; OTD, Creighton College, MA, New York University, BA, Wheaton College
Lynn Capirsello, Assistant Professor of Interior+Spatial Design; MS, BFA, Syracuse University
Lesley Caracci, Assistant Professor; MS, University of Massachusetts Boston, BS, Syracuse University
David Casamento, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Educational Leadership; EdD, Russell Sage College, MA, BS, Hofstra University
Anthony Cinque, Lecturer of Interior + Spatial Design; BFA, BBA, Russell Sage College
Debra Collette, Associate Professor; OTD, Rocky Mountain University, BS, Utica College
Karen Conway, Lecturer of Interior + Spatial Design, BFA, Russell Sage College, BS, Cornell University
Tracey A. Continelli, Associate Professor; PhD, State University of New York at Albany
Vincent Corcoran, Instructor, Counseling and Community Psychology; PhD, BS, Fordham University
Cheryl Davis, Assistant Professor; PhD Endicott College, MS, Simmons College, BS, University of Connecticut
David DeBonis, Professor of the Practice of Speech Language Pathology, PhD, University at Albany, MS, Pennsylvania State University, BS, The College of Saint Rose
Emilie Deck, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Reina Del Rio, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Erica Dessingue, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Occupational Therapy; OTD Chatham College, MS, BS, Ithaca College
Andrea Dievendorf, Assistant Professor of Biology; DC Palmer College of Chiropractic
John Dion, Associate Professor of Management; DBA, Newcastle University, MBA, Western New England University, BA, Beloit College
Cathron Donaldson, Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy
Joseph Dragone, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Educational Leadership; PhD, MS, University at Albany, MS, BS, The College of Saint Rose
Francesca Durand, Associate Professor; PhD, MS, State University of New York at Albany, BS, State University of New York at Binghamton
Clarence Ellis, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Educational Leadership
Mercedes Fabian, Visiting Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Law, and Behavioral Science
Kristiana M. Feeser, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Education, Sports Science; PhD, MA, MA, Southern Illinois University, BA Western Kentucky University
Marcy A. Fiet, Assistant Professor; MS, State University of New York at Stony Brook, BS, Russell Sage College
William Fillmore, Assistant Professor of 3D Art and Extended Media; MFA, Indiana University, BA, California State University
Lori Finn, Assistant Professor; PhD, MPhil, The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York, MA, Queens College (CUNY), BA, Clark University
Bonnie Fischer-Camara, Assistant Professor; OTD, Boston University, MS, BS, Touro College, BA, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Andrew Gaetano, Assistant Professor; DPT, Ithaca College
Wendy Gaughan, Lecturer; MS, Russell Sage College, BS, Siena College
Kim Gendron, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Tracy Gilbert, Assistant Professor of Creative Arts in Therapy; MA, BFA
Morgan Gmelch, Assistant Professor/Acquisitions and Cataloging Librarian
Maureen Gokey, Assistant Professor of Writing; PhD Cand., State University of New York at Albany, MA The College of Saint Rose, BA, St. Bonaventure University
Jeffrey Golden, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Law & Behavioral Science; JD, University of Illinois, Chicago, MS, Saint Leo University
Kathleen Gormley, Professor of Literacy; PhD, MS, State University of New York at Albany, BS, Russell Sage College
Donald Graves, Associate Professor of Psychology
Thomas A. Gray, Associate Professor of Chemistry; PhD, University of Florida, MS, BS, Emory University
Victoria Greenwood, Associate Professor; MS, New York Institute of Technology, MS, Russell Sage College, BS, State University of New York at Binghamton
Janet Hakey-Brusgul, Assistant Professor; DPT, Russell Sage College, MS, Long Island University, BS, University of Vermont
Margaret Hambrose, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy; OTD, Quinnipiac University, MS, BS, Duquesne University
Kelli Hamm, Assistant Professor of Biology; PhD. State University of New York at Albany
Alicia Harlow, Associate Professor; PhD, Ball State University, M,. San Francisco State University, BA, Eastern Michigan University
Sonya Hauser, Associate Professor; PhD, MS, Tufts University, BS, Russell Sage College, BA, Houghton College
Laurie Hepler, Assistant Professor; DPT, Temple University, MS, BS, Thomas Jefferson University, BS, Juniata College
Marybeth Hoefs, Lecturer; BS Utica College
Sean Hovendick, Associate Professor of Graphic + Media Design; MFA, Syracuse University, BA, Eastern New Mexico University
Kenneth J. Howard, Associate Professor of Biology; PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Trudy Hutchinson, Assistant Professor; DNS, Russell Sage College, MA, State University of New York at Albany, BA, California State University San Bernardino
Donald James, Visiting Assistant Professor for the CITE Instructional Leadership program
Susan M. Jenks, Professor of Biopsychology; PhD, MS, University of Connecticut, BA, Vassar College
Ekaterina Kagan, Associate Professor of Spanish; PhD, MA, BA, Moscow State University
Thomas C. Keane, Professor of Chemistry; PhD, M.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, BA, Hunter College
Glenda B. Kelman, Professor; PhD, New York University, MS, BS, Russell Sage College
Elizabethe Kelley, Associate Professor of English; PhD, Binghamton University
Pamela Ko, Associate Professor of Law; JD, City University of New York School of Law, MA, Wake Forest University, BA, University of Rochester
Jae Kyun Kim, Assistant Professor of Sociology
Justin Kimber, Assistant Professor of Mental Health Counseling and Community Psychology; PhD University at Albany, MA, BS, University at Buffalo
Amanda Koennecke, Assistant Professor; BS State University of New York Institute of Technology, MS, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Christina Lane, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice; PhD, MA, State University of New York at Albany, BA, MA, University of Alberta
Kristi LaMonica, Associate Professor of Biology, PhD, Wesleyan University
Janel M. Leone, Associate Professor of Law & Society; PhD The Pennsylvania State University, BA, Franklin and Marshall College
Holly Lockrow, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Occupational Therapy; OTD, Utica University, MS, Russell Sage College, BS, Worcester State University
Anthony Majeran, Assistant Professor; MSN, Stevenson University, BSN, BA, University of Maryland College Park
Laura McClure, Assistant Professor of Nutrition; MS, Emory University, BS, College of William and Mary
Melinda McDaniel, Assistant Professor of 2D Design and Extended Media; MFA, The Ohio State University, BFA, Florida State University
Matthew McElligott, Professor of Graphic Design; MA State University of New York at Buffalo, BFA, Alfred University
Julie McIntyre, Associate Professor; PhD, MS, Syracuse University, BA, State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Victoria McMullen, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Nursing; MSN, BSN, Stony Brook University
Shealeen Meaney, Associate Professor of English; PhD, State University of New York at Albany, MA, University of Tennessee, BA State University of New York at Geneseo
Nancy J. Michela, Associate Professor; DAHS, State University of New York at Albany, MS, BS, Russell Sage College, BS, State University of New York at Albany
Michelle Morgan, Assistant Professor; MS, New York University, BS, Russell Sage College
Gayle Morse, Professor; PhD, State University of New York at Albany; BA, Kennesaw State University
Tonya Moutray, Professor of English; PhD, University of Connecticut, MA, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Christine Mulligan, Instructor; MS, B. Russell Sage College
Timothy Mundell, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Education, Instructional Leadership; EdD, Northcentral University, MA, Stony Brook University, BA, Oneonta State University
Marci Murphy, Assistant Professor of Health Sciences; MS, Colorado State University
Michael Musial, Professor of Music; MM, MA, BFA, State University of New York at Buffalo
Michelle Napierski-Prancl, Professor of Sociology; PhD, State University of New York at Albany, BA, Siena College
Natalie Newmeyer-Blunden, Assistant Professor of Nutrition
Emilly A. Obuya, Associate Professor of Chemistry; PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton, BS, Kenyatta University
Cheryl Ostryn, Assistant Professor; PhD, The Pennsylvania State University, MS, BS, Middlesex University
Rachael Paige, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Sandra Penny, Assistant Professor of Physics; PhD, MS, University of Washington, BS, University of Oregon
Jack Pickering, Professor of the Practice of Speech Language Pathology; PhD, Ohio University, MA, BA, University of Maine
Selina Preyer-Blakney, Assistant Professor of Nutrition; MS, Russell Sage College, BPS, Culinary Institute of America
Tyler Owitz, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Nursing
Amy Pass, Assistant Professor/Student Success Librarian
Hope Raggs, Assistant Professor of Nursing; MS, BS, Russell Sage College
Katrin Ramsey, Assistant Professor;  DS, Rocky Mountain University, MS, Columbia University, BA, Lafayette College
Nancy Ranft, Associate Professor; OTD, Rocky Mountain University, BS, The Ohio State University
Mary Rea, Professor of Biology; PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, MS, University of Ottawa, BS, The Ohio State University
Leah Rico, Assistant Professor of Graphic and Media Design; MFA, BFA, State University of New York at Buffalo
Gabriella Rounds, Assistant Professor of Nursing; MS, BS, BA, Russell Sage College
Sarah Russell, Lecturer; MS, Russell Sage College, BA, Ashford University
Sarah Salvatore, Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy; EdD, Russell Sage College
Jody Scardillo, Assistant Professor of Nursing; DNP, Oakland University, MS, Russell Sage College, BS, State University of New York Regents College
Alison Schaeffing, Assistant Professor of Geography; PhD, University at Albany
Lisa Schmitt, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Nutrition; MS, BS, Russell Sage College
Tiffany Schermerhorn, Lecturer of Nursing; MS, BS, Russell Sage College, BA, Siena College
Sara Senecal, Instructor of Dance; MFA, Jacksonville University, BA, State University of New York at Buffalo
Deb Shea, Assistant Professor of Education
Rupali Singh, Assistant Professor; PhD, University of Kansas Medical Center, BPT, Punjabi University
Kelly Smith, Assistant Professor of Childhood Education; MS, BS, Russell Sage College
Peter Stapleton, Assistant Professor of Physical Education; PhD, MA, Springfield College, BA, The College of St. Rose
Harvey J. Strum, Professor of History; PhD, MPA, BA, Syracuse University
MaryEllen Tedesco, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Management, MS, BS, Russell Sage College
John Tine, Assistant Professor of Biology; PhD, Albany Medical College
Michele Van Buren, Lecturer of Nursing; MS, BS, Russell Sage College
Julie Verette-Lindenbaum, Assistant Professor; PhD, MA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, BA, University of California Los Angeles
Martha Wasserbauer, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Nutrition; MS, Syracuse University, BS, St. Lawrence University
Lynne Wells, Assistant Professor; EdD, Russell Sage College, MS, State University of New York at Albany, BS, State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Erin Westenfeld-Elkins, Assistant Professor; EdD, DPT, BA, Russell Sage College
Christopher J. White, Assistant Professor/Director of Libraries
Janice White, Associate Professor; EdD, Russell Sage College, MS, State University of New York at Albany, BS, State University of New York at Oswego
Huimin Xu, Associate Professor; PhD, University of Arizona, BS, Xidian University
Marlene Zakierski, Associate Professor; PhD, Fordham University, MS, Pace University, MS, BA, College of New Rochelle