
Occupational Therapy 3+2 (B.A./B.S. and M.S.)

Russell Sage College offers an accelerated program whereby undergraduate students can complete both a bachelor’s degree and the master of science in occupational therapy degree in 5.5 years (also known as the 3+2 OT Track). During the first three years of coursework students complete requirements for their undergraduate degree including major program, general education courses, and the OT program prerequisites.

Students who achieve the admission standards outlined below may accelerate into the MS in Occupational Therapy program. Students enroll in the first year occupational therapy graduate coursework during their fourth year of undergraduate studies. At the end of the fourth year students are awarded a baccalaureate degree, and upon completion of the fifth year, the master’s degree is awarded (end of fall term). Entry into this accelerated program and completion of the prerequisites guarantees the student acceptance into the MS in Occupational Therapy program. Students who are unable to achieve the criteria listed in Academic Standards for Admission are not eligible to accelerate and must complete electives during their fourth year as a means of finishing their baccalaureate degree. They may reapply for admission to the MS in OT program at that time.

Occupational Therapy overview on Sage.edu: sage.edu/academics/programs/occupational-therapy-ms/

Undergraduate Majors

There are multiple routes of undergraduate entry for students interested in occupational therapy at Sage. Listed below are RSC undergraduate majors that provide an excellent foundation for becoming an occupational therapist and are designed to fit into the 3+2 format. Refer to the specific undergraduate major section of the catalog for the relevant course sequence. Refer to the Russell Sage College Graduate School catalog for details about the MS in OT program.

Majors: Biology, English, Expressive Arts in Mental Health*, Health Sciences, Psychology, or Sociology, provide students with a broad range of relevant courses, group work, and learning experiences to enhance students’ understanding of human behavior and development, health, and wellness.

* Note: for students in the Expressive Arts in Mental Health program, the 3+2 accelerated option is only open to new first year freshman students who have 20 or more completed college credits prior to enrolling at Russell Sage College.

UG Prerequisite Courses Required for OT Admission

Complete all of the following (27-28 credits):
 • BIO 201 Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab, 4cr
 • BIO 202 Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab, 4cr
 • PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology, 3cr
 • PSY 202 or PSY 208 Developmental Science, 3-4cr
 • PSY 308 Abnormal Psychology, 3cr
 • SCI 110 Medical Terminology, 3cr
 • Sociology or Anthropology course, 3cr
 • Statistics: MAT 220 or PSY 207, 4cr

Sub-Total Credits

Academic Standards for OT Admission

Students who enroll in the 3+2 bachelor's degree leading to the MS in Occupational Therapy program are guaranteed acceptance to the OT program for the fourth year of study (OTH graduate courses), providing they maintain the following academic requirements in the first three years:

  • Achieve a minimum 3.000 cumulative GPA for coursework completed during undergraduate study.

  • Earn minimum grade of “C” or higher (2.000) in each of the OT Program prerequisite courses

  • Achieve a minimum Science GPA of 3.000 in Anatomy & Physiology I and Anatomy & Physiology II.

  • Document at least 20 hours of clinical observation under the supervision of an occupational therapist before beginning the professional program. Students are encouraged to complete clinical observation hours as early as possible.

  • Completion of 90 credits (minimum) including, all undergraduate general education requirements, OT program prerequisite coursework, and the requirements in their chosen undergraduate majors.

  • Transfer students must complete a minimum of 45 undergraduate credits at Sage prior to entering the graduate program

The first review for eligibility to continue into the OT professional program will take place after the fall semester of the third year.

Procedures for Acceleration into the MS in OT Program

By December 1 of the third year (or equivalent) of undergraduate academic study at RSC, students who are accelerating into the MS in OT program will:

Admission Requirements

First Year (Freshman) Applicants

Students can be admitted directly from high school into the Russell Sage College accelerated 3+2 program as described above. The successful applicant will demonstrate the following academic profile:

  • High school overall grade point average (GPA) of 85 percent

  • High school science GPA of 85 percent

  • Minimum combined SAT score of 1050

  • Class rank in top 20%

Undergraduate Transfer Applicants

Undergraduate transfer students who are occupational therapy assistants (OTA) will be considered for admission as interdisciplinary science majors to the accelerated 3+2 degree program, with acceptance based on space availability, students’ qualifications, and previous college coursework.

Undergraduate transfer students who are not occupational therapy assistants (OTA) will be considered for admission to an approved Russell Sage College major leading to the OT and will be enrolled in the 4+2 track (non accelerated program).

The successful transfer applicant will demonstrate the following academic profile:

  • Overall minimum 3.000 GPA for all college coursework

  • Earn a minimum grade of “C” or higher (2.000) in each of the OT Program prerequisite courses.

  • Achieve a minimum Science GPA of 3.000 in Anatomy & Physiology I and Anatomy & Physiology II.

Note: Sage regularly accepts transfer credits, but grades for courses taken outside of Sage do not count toward a student’s GPA at Sage. However, the OT department will look at all grades for OT Program prerequisites (including those from transfer courses) when considering a student for entry into the graduate program. All OT program prerequisite courses (institutional and transfer courses) must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher and the earned science GPA (based on Anatomy & Physiology I & II, courses taken at Sage or elsewhere) must equal 3.000 or higher. If transfer courses do not meet this standard, OT program prerequisites may need to be retaken at Sage to meet GPA requirements.

Program Accreditation

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program at Russell Sage College is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North Bethesda, MD 20852-4929. ACOTE’s telephone number c/o AOTA is 301-652-AOTA and its web address is www.acoteonline.org. The most recent reaccreditation was granted in December 2016. Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapist administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be an Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR). In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure. Program results from the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) can be found online.

Total Credits