Academic Monitoring

Student Academic Progress

Student academic progress is monitored at several levels: (a) by the Registrar’s Office through the program evaluation report (b) by the student’s academic advisor, (c) by the program director of the program in which the student is enrolled, (d) by the CAAR Faculty Committee, (e) Advisory Grade Report (5th week progress), and (f) by the students themselves.

Advisory Grade Report: the advisory report summarizes student academic progress at the 5th week of the term (fall and spring only). Letter grades are entered for each course by the course instructor. Advisory grades are not formally recorded on the student’s official record. The advisory grades are meant to serve as an indication of the student’s academic progress to this point. Students may view their undergraduate advisory grades in Self Service using the Grades module.

Academic Monitoring of Student Athletes

Each academic year the Athletics Department presents each student athlete with a copy of the Sage Student-Athlete Handbook. The handbook can be found on the Sage Athletics website,

  • The Sage Student-Athlete Handbook contains information on:
    • Eligibility for Student Athletes
    • Class Attendance Policy for Student Athletes
    • Academic Support Program for Student Athletes
  • For more information contact the Office of Athletics, 518-244-2283, [email protected].