The Russell Sage College Honors Program offers highly-motivated students an innovative, rigorous, and participatory educational experience. The program challenges students to be engaged contributors and leaders within the academic community. Honors coursework includes Honors Seminars, Oxford-Style Tutorials, study abroad, or program-based Honors projects. Students are highly encouraged to take additional Honors coursework to enhance their Honors experience.
A member of the National Collegiate Honors Council, the RSC Honors Program is designed to:
- Enrich any course of study at Sage.
- Deliver Honors coursework in a variety of pedagogical modes to foster intellectual and creative risk-taking, the examination of diverse knowledge, and trans-disciplinary approaches to problem-solving and research.
- Provide Honors-related academic advising from the Honors director and faculty.
- Promote scholarship and leadership on local and global levels through conference participation, service-learning, and study abroad.
- Deepen the intellectual community at RSC through Honors-sponsored lectures, colloquia, and other events.
Program requirements:
- 15 credits of Honors coursework for first year students
- 12 credits of Honors coursework for transfer students including acceptance of up to 6 credits of Honors coursework transferred from another institution with a similar honors program or honors college
- Presentation of research or creative work at a regional, national or international conference, or appropriate community venue.
- Demonstration of engaged scholarship through participation, leadership, and service. Can include active participation and leadership in Honors Societies, student governance, service-learning, and events that promote the cultural and intellectual enrichment of the local community.
- Honors students must maintain a B average (3.000) in Honors coursework
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.400.
More Information:
- To apply: contact an Honors Director to complete an Honors Enrollment Application. Contact Information is below.
- Students may apply at any time after the completion of one semester at RSC, but prior to the completion of 105 credit hours of coursework. Applicants’ eligibility for the Honors program is based upon recommendations from faculty and/or academic advisors, a minimum GPA of 3.400, and demonstrated potential for academic excellence.
- Honors students receive priority enrollment in Honors Seminars. Non-Honors students who wish to enroll in an Honors course must carry a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.000 upon registration and gain permission from the Honors Director.
- Successful completion of the Honors Program is noted on the official transcript with the degree conferral information.
Professor Nathanael Greene, [email protected]
Director, Honors Program
Dr. Kate Kagan, [email protected]
Associate Director, Honors Program