
Evaluation of Academic Work

The following grading categories with plus and minus designations is used by the College:

A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Passing
F Failure

Grading Scale

To determine a student’s grade point average (GPA) the College uses this scale:

 Letter Grade  Quality Points
(Numeric Value)
 A+ = 4.000
 A = 4.000
 A- = 3.700
 B+ = 3.300
 B = 3.000
 B- = 2.700
 C+ = 2.300
 C = 2.000
 C- = 1.700
 D+ = 1.300
 D = 1.000
 D- = 0.700
 F = 0.000

Note: I, NC, P, and W grades are not calculated in the grade point average.

AU Audit. Auditors receive no credit. They are not required to submit credentials if they intend only to audit. The status is on a space-available basis, limited to not more than 10 percent of a class enrollment, and to be declared at registration, or no later than the end of the first week of classes. Auditors pay all fees and a reduced tuition.

I Incomplete. A student unable to complete all the work in a course as a result of illness or a comparable emergency may request a grade of “Incomplete” (I) from the instructor. In order for a grade of “I” to be granted, a student should have completed most of the work for the course in the opinion of the instructor. If an “I” is granted, the student has the right to complete the work within the length of time specified by the faculty member, not to exceed the end of the eighth week of the following semester. However, students who are pending an academic action of academic warning, academic review, or academic suspension must complete all work prior to the beginning of the next fall or spring semester.

The student will not be allowed to re-register for the course (either for credit or audit) in a subsequent semester until the Incomplete is removed.

It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of their grades in all classes prior to requesting an Incomplete. Should they be at risk of being placed on probation or suspended, arranging for an Incomplete may result in an earlier deadline than anticipated. Faculty are not obligated to offer extensions under these circumstances.

The faculty member and student should write up and sign an agreement using the Incomplete/Extension Request Form, including a copy of the course syllabus, clearly identifying:

  • the specific reasons for the request
  • the work that is to be completed, and
  • the deadline for the submission of the work.

Upon completion of the work, the faculty member files a Grade Change Form with the Registrar’s Office in order to convert the “I” grade to an appropriate letter grade. If the faculty member does not change the Incomplete grade by the end of the eighth week of the next semester, the Registrar will replace the grade of “I” with the letter grade “F”. Any agreed-upon extension of time to the deadline must be reported to the Registrar in writing via memorandum or e-mail.

NC No-Credit. In courses as approved by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, students who make a good faith effort in the course but fail to earn a course grade of C- or higher (WRT 100, WRT 101, and WRT 201), may be assigned a grade of NC. The NC does not affect the GPA. The NC may be assigned only once per course; should a student re-take the course and still not achieve a grade of C- or higher, they will receive an F.

P/F Pass/Fail. The policies governing the use of the P/F option apply only to those courses that can be elected P/F. See below for conditions. Courses offered only on a P/F basis are excluded from the limitations. Note: if a student fails the course, it is a real F grade and is included in GPA calculation.

  1. Students completing 120 credits at Sage may elect four courses P/F; transfer students may elect 1 pass/fail option for every 24 credits taken at RSC toward their baccalaureate degree.
  2. The P/F grade option is not approved for: a. major requirement (including support courses), b. minor requirement, and c. HUM 100, RSC 101, RSC 201, RSC 301, WRT 100, WRT 101, and WRT 201.
  3. Election (students requests) must be made at the time of registration, up to and including the last day to withdraw from a course. See the academic calendar for specific term dates.
  4. When a student withdraws from a course elected P/F within the normal period for such withdrawal, it will not count toward the P/F maximum.
  5. When completing the P/F grade request form, students indicate a specific passing letter grade to be recorded in place of the P grade. Courses taken for a letter grade under this option still count as courses taken P/F. On the form see section, I would like the P/F to apply if my grade is lower than. Example: if you select "A" and receive an "A", you will keep that grade. If you were to receive an "A-", the "P" would apply.
  6. To be considered for Dean’s List in a given regular term, a student must take a minimum of twelve credit hours on a regular letter graded basis during that term. Credits earned in courses completed with P grades do not count toward the 12 credit hour minimum.
  7. Since course instructors do not know who elects a course P/F they submit a letter grade to the Registrar’s office, who records the appropriate grade. Grades above F are considered passing. The Registrar’s Office updates the record to list P grade (D- or higher) or F grade (student failed course).
  8. Students may use the P/F option to repeat a course that is approved for Pass/Fail.
  9. If students use a P/F option for a course that is later listed as a requirement in a major program they change to, the P/F grade will be canceled and the original grade will be used.

Faculty do not know who elects a course P/F. They will record a letter grade. The Registrar then assigns the appropriate grade (P or F). D- or higher grades are considered passing. Note: if a student fails the course it is a real F grade and is included in GPA calculation.

P Passing. Indicates that the student has passed the course. (See policy above on Pass/Fail grade)

RP Research in Progress. In undergraduate courses that are specifically designated as one of the following: Senior Project, Senior Independent Project, Research Project, Research in (discipline), Honors Research (in discipline), Honors Project, Senior Research Study, Senior Seminar, Seminar (400 level capstone course), incomplete work may be assigned a grade of “RP.” “RP” grades indicate that the initial expectation was that the work to be evaluated normally requires more than one semester. The “RP” grade may not be used in place of an incomplete (“I” grade) for any course which students are normally expected to complete within the original semester. Within one year from the time the “RP” grade is assigned, students must complete a course for which the “RP” grade was given. A student whose research requires longer than one year may request an extension of the “RP” for up to one additional year. The program coordinator may grant the request for an extension of the “RP” grade, depending on the degree of completion of the project. The extension will be granted only if there has been substantial progress.

W Withdrew. This grade can only be used by the Registrar’s Office when the student officially withdraws from the class.

Repeat Course Policy
Repeat Course Policy